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The IDMIL deals with projects related to the topic of human-computer interaction, the design of musical instruments and interfaces for musical expression, movement data collection and analysis, sensor development, and gestural control. Learn more...

fMRI-Compatible Music Piano Keyboard

Participants: Avrum Hollinger
Marcelo M. Wanderley (supervisor)
Christopher Steele
Virginia Penhune (Concordia University)
Robert Zatorre (Montreal Neurological Institute)
Piano keyboard testing in MRI scanner.
Funding: Concordia University (Penhune)
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (Zatorre & Wanderley)
NSERC Discovery Grant (Wanderley)
CIRMMT student funds (Hollinger) 2007-2008
Project Type: Collaborative project (CIRMMT, BRAMS - Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound).
Time Period: 2006– (Ongoing.)


2019/04/18 14:51