~~META:date created=2012-10-03 23:08:38~~ ====== Emotion Mapping Presentation ====== IDMIL researchers [[people:Ian Hattwick]] and [[people:R. Michael Winters]] will be presenting software interfaces developed for emotion-related mapping in music performance and sonification. Their work is a result of a six month [[projects:software:eic_audio|NSERC Engage grant]] for collaboration with [[http://www.emotionalimaging.com/|Emotional Imaging Inc.]], a group developing technologies for realtime emotion recognition. The presentation is scheduled for Wednesday September 26th at 1pm at [[http://www.cirmmt.mcgill.ca/|CIRMMT]]. {{projects:sonification:pastedgraphic-1.png|name=Audio Environment for EIC|link=projects:software:eic_audio}} {{tag>Mapping Software}}