Doug Van Nort, “Texture Perception: Signal Modeling and Compositional Approaches,” in Proc. of the 2007 Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC-07), Montreal, QC, August 2007.
Doug Van Nort, “Le Mappings Geometrique et Trajectoires Musicale”, in L'interdisciplinarité dans les sciences et technologies de la musique Colloquium, part of La Réunion 2006 de l'Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS), Montreal, QC, May 17, 2006.
Doug Van Nort, “The Contemporary Production of Noise and the Role of the System”, in Electroacoustic Music Studies 2005 (EMS-05) International Conference, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, October 19-22, 2005.
Stacy Denton and Doug Van Nort. “Music, noise and the (de)socialization of sound”,in In and Out of the Sound Studio Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, QC. July 25-29, 2005.