Alfonso Perez Carrillo

Postdoctoral Fellow
Supervisor: Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley

Fax: +1 (514) 398-2962
Phone: +1 (514) 398-4535 ext. 094846

Alfonso Perez was born in Spain in 1977, he received a Ph.D. degree in Music Technology from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain) in 2009, a M.Sc. in Computer Science by the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 2002, and a Master in Violin by the Music Conservatory of Palencia (Spain) in 1999. From 2004 to 2011 he was a researcher at the Music Technology Group, Univertisat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain), and lecturer of Programming and Databases at the same university. He has been visiting researcher at other academic institutions such as the Academy of Sciences in Austria (2003-2004) and CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics), Stanford University (2011-2012). At present he is a postdoctoral researcher at IDMIL (Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory) and CIRMMT (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology) both at McGill University. He has worked for several research projects with public funding as well as in the industry with companies like Yamaha Corp.(2004-2007) and Telefonica I+D (1999-2002). His main research interests are on sound synthesis of musical instruments and gestures and control in musical performances.