The IDMIL deals with projects related to the topic of human-computer interaction, the design of musical instruments and interfaces for musical expression, movement data collection and analysis, sensor development, and gestural control. Learn more...

ENACTIVE Interfaces

Participants: Marcelo M. Wanderley (PI)
Philippe Depalle (SPCL)
Catherine Guastavino
Vincent Hayward
Stephen McAdams
Gary Scavone (CIRMMT, McGill University)
Delphine Bernardin
Bruno Giordano
Mounia Ziat
Matthieu Lagrange
Emma Murphy
Ilja Frissen
Stephen Sinclair
Erwin Schoonderwaldt
Rafa Absar
Denis Lebel
A simulation of the PebbleBox (Essl, O'Modhrain) using Pure Data, by Stephen Sinclair.
Collaborators: Massimo Bergamasco (PERCRO, Pisa - ENACTIVE PI)
Federico Avanzini (DEI, Padova)
Benoit Bardy (Université de Montpellier I)
Ronan Boulic (EPFL, Lauzanne)
Claude Cadoz (ACROE/INPG, Grenoble)
Marc Ernst (MPI, Tübingen)
Jean-Loup Florens (ACROE/INPG, Grenoble)
Annie Luciani (ACROE/INPG, Grenoble)
Barbara Mazzarino (DIST, Genoa)
Sile O'Modhrain (Queen's University, Belfast)
Kevin O'Regan (CNRS, Paris)
Thomas Stoffregen (University of Minnesota)
Funding: NSERC Special Research Opportunity Grant
Quebec's Ministry of Enconomic Development (PSIIRI Grant)
European Community
Project Type: 6th Framework European Network of Excellence.
Time Period: Jan. 2004–Dec. 2007. (Completed.)


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