Call for Submissions - CMJ Special Issue “Advances in the Design of Mapping for Computer Music”
Call for Submissions - CMJ Special Issue: “Advances in the Design of Mapping for Computer Music” Guest Editors: Marcelo M. Wanderley and Joseph Malloch
When we use digital tools for making music, the properties and parameters of both sound synthesizers and human interfaces have an abstract representation. One consequence of the digital nature of these signals and states is that gesture and action are completely separable from sound production, and must be artificially associated by the system designer in a process commonly called mapping.
The importance of mapping in digital musical instruments has been studied since the early 1990s, with several works discussing the role of mapping and many related concepts. Since roughly the mid-2000s, several tools have been proposed to facilitate the implementation of mappings, drastically reducing the necessary technical knowledge and allowing a large community to easily implement their ideas. Coupled with the availability of inexpensive sensors and hardware, as well as the emergence of a strong Do-It-Yourself community, the time seems right to discuss the main directions for research on mapping in digital musical instruments and interactive systems.
This call for submissions for a special issue of the Computer Music Journal focuses on recent developments and future prospects of mapping.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Mapping in instrument/installation/interaction design
- Mapping concepts and approaches
- Mapping tools
- Evaluation methodologies
- Mapping in/as composition
- Mapping for media other than, or in addition to, sound
Deadline for paper submission is March 15, 2013. The issue will appear in 2014. Submissions should follow all CMJ author guidelines ( Submissions and queries should be addressed to, with the subject starting with [CMJ Mapping]