Music Hackday Montreal

Music Hack Day comes to Montreal to explore and build the next generation of music applications. It's a full weekend of hacking in which participants will conceptualize, create and present their projects. Music + software + mobile + hardware + art + the web. Anything goes as long as it's music related. Music Hack Day is presented by developers for developers.

Music Hack Day arrive à Montréal pour explorer et construire la prochaine génération d'applications musicales. Durant tout un week-end de programmation informatique, les participants vont conceptualiser, réaliser et présenter leur projets. Musique + logiciel + mobilité + hardware + art + le web. Tout y passe du moment qu'on y parle de musique. Music Hack Day est conçu par les programmeurs pour les programmeurs.

Register to attend

Attendance is free but you must register to guarantee a spot. We provide workspaces and snacks throughout the day, but need confirmed numbers to make the event great for everyone attending. Visit the Registration Page to register as a hacker or if you want to attend the demo session at the end of the weekend.


Music Hack Day Montreal will be held at Eastern Bloc in Montreal, on the 24th and 25th of September.

What happens at a Music Hack Day?

Lots of hacking, lots of pizza, very little sleep. For details read this post: What happens at a Music Hack Day. Read about some of the winning hacks at the recent Music Hack Day in New York City.