SMC Summer School 2009 - Porto, Portugal, July 18-21

Prof. Wanderley will be one of the teachers in the Sound and Music Computing (SCM) Summer School on Interactions with Environmental Sounds. It will take place at the Casa da Música, Porto, Portugal, from July 18 to 21, 2009.

The other teachers will be Joel Chadabe (Electronic Music Foundation) and Xavier Serra (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain). Tutors include Jean-Julien Acouturier, Stephan Baumann, Eoin Brazil, Federico Fontana, Bram de Jong, Luis Gustavo Martins, Rui Penha and Stefania Serafin.

Students can register to participate to the upcoming SMC Summer School by making an application. Summer school student grants will be provided by the COST Action IC0601 on Sonic Interaction Design.

Application deadline: 24th April, 2009.

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