Christian Pelletier
M.A. Music Technolog
Supervisor: Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley
Research Interests
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Real-time FPGA-based sound synthesis and digital signal processing
- Sensor/gesture-based electronic musical instrument
Academic Background
- B.A. (Electrical Engineering) - Ecole de technologie supérieure (Montreal)
- M.A. (currently) - Music Technology, McGill University (Montreal)
Contact Information:
Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory - IDMIL
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Media Music and Technology - CIRMMT
Schulich School of Music - McGill University
555, Sherbrooke Street West
H3A 1E3 Montreal, Qc, Canada
Fax: +1 (514) 398-2962
Phone: +1 (514) 398-4535 ext. 094846
Email: christian [dot] pelletier [at] mail [dot] mcgill [dot] ca