Mahtab Ghamsari-EsfahaniM.A. Music TechnologySupervisor: Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley Email: mahtab [dot] ghamsari-esfahani [at] mcgill [dot] ca Web: Fax: +1 (514) 398-2962 Phone: +1 (514) 398-4535 ext. 094846 |
Research Interests
- Mapping
- Musical Performance
- Human Computer Interaction
- Interaction Design
- Musical Learning
Academic Background
- Systems Design Engineering (BASc) - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada - 2010
- MA Candidate - Music Research - Schulich School of Music, McGill University - 2012
Current Projects
- Analyzing mappings in performance development on The Ballagumi. In collaboration with Beavan Flanagan. This project involves isolating and evaluating different mapping choices on the instrument to better understand the influence of mapping on performer instrument interaction.
- Python Implicit Mapper: Creating an interface for implicit mapping. A part of the libmapper Project. This project involves the creation of a visual layer that would allow artists to use machine learning techniques for implicitly mapping controls to sounds.
- Development for this project can be viewed at: Python ImplicitMap.
- Alternative tools for implicit mapping include a Max/MSP implicitmapper found at: Max/MSP ImplicitMap.
Past Projects
- SensePlay: A graphical framework for sensor-based interaction using I-CubeX digitizers - 2011
- LibMEI : A C++ library for score editing using the MEI standard - 2011
- ConcertPitch 3.0: An aural piano tuner - 2010
- L'arthotehque de l'espace Jean Legendre: A virtual art exhibition - 2009
In Proceedings
- Mahtab Ghamsari-Esfahani, Amandine Pras and Marcelo M. Wanderley. "Combining musical tasks and improvisation in evaluating novel Digital Musical Instruments". In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium of Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR2013), 2013.
Master's Theses
- Mahtab Ghamsari-Esfahani. "Evaluating the role of mappings in skill acquisition with digital musical instruments". Masters thesis, McGill University. 2013.
Professional Experience
- Interaction Designer - Infusion Systems Ltd.
- Business Technology Analyst - Deloitte Inc.
- Systems Engineer - Clair Lasers Corp.
- Systems Engineer - Ministry of Transportation, Government of Ontario
- Project Assistant - St. Marys Cement
- Lab Technician - IKO Industries
- Content Developer - Maplesoft Inc.
Volunteer Experience
- Organizer - TEDx Montreal 2012
- Website Admin - Alternatives Journal, University of Waterloo 2010
- Co-Chair - Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference 2004-2009
Music Interests
- Member of Choeur St. Laurent and Choeur Maha 2010-2012
- Piano & French Horn