Ivan Franco

Ph.D. Music Technology
Supervisor: Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley

Email: ivan [dot] franco [at] mail [dot] mcgill [dot] ca
Web: http://ivanfranco.wordpress.com
Fax: +1 (514) 398-2962
Phone: +1 (514) 398-4535 ext. 094846

Research Interests

  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • New Interfaces for Musical Expression
  • Self-contained Autonomous Systems
  • Interactive Installation


Educational Background

  • B.A. (Engineering) - New University of Lisbon (Portugal) 1998
  • M.A. (Digital Arts - Electronic Music) - Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) 2000
  • Ph.D. (currently) (Music Technology) - McGill University (Canada)

In Proceedings

Other Publications

  • I. Franco, “The AirStick: A free-gesture controller using infrared sensing,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, 2005, pp. 248–249.
  • L. Teixeira, A. Barbosa, J. Cardoso, V. Carvalho, M. Costa, I. Sousa, I. Franco, A. Fonseca, D. Henriques, P. Rosa, “Online data mining services for dynamic spatial databases I: system architecture and client applications”, II International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, Estoril Congress Center, Lisbon, 2005.
  • L. Teixeira, A. Barbosa, J. Cardoso, V. Carvalho, M. Costa, I. Sousa, I. Franco, A. Fonseca, D. Henriques, P. Rosa, “Online data mining services for dynamic spatial databases II: air quality location based services and sonification”, II International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, Estoril Congress Center, Lisbon, 2005.
  • Serpa, J., E. Nobre, I. Franco e A.S. Câmara, “Tangible Interfaces for Visualization of Geographic Data in Collaborative Environments”, Ubigis Conference, Gavle, Suécia, 2004.
  • Serpa, J., E. Nobre, I. Franco, N. Cardoso, A. Lobo, M. Costa e A.S. Câmara 2003, “TangiTable: 80 000 Simulating Pollutant Dispersion”, Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction Athens, Greece, 2003.